“The duty to produce destroys the passion
to create.”

— Raoul Vaneigem

Born in the Bay Area, raised on the Oregon coast. Undergrad in music (so no, I’m not joking about the karaoke). One of the original Apple Campus Reps at the University of Oregon. Worked on two Webby Award-winning web properties. Holds a U.S. patent for interface design.

Beautiful wife, three crazy dogs. Musician. Traveller. Occasional Dungeon Master.

I always enjoy chatting about the industry, new tools and technologies, and the crazy world we live in. Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn.

The reviews are in.

Scott’s an amazing, creative and empathetic human being. He has a great way about him blending business acumen with end user understanding and uses this to prioritize and focus on the next big thing, all with the customer's best interest in mind.

Scott is passionate about his work! He lets his team do what they need to and stands behind his team when necessary so they can do their work.

Scott's one of those truly versatile managers, moving from hiring to day-to-day leadership to vision to hands-on design with ease.

He is a true advocate of user-centered design principles and strives to deliver quality user experience. Scott is also a humane manager who cares about his team members’ work and life balance.

Scott will lift the productivity of any team he is on in both innovation as well as fit and finish.

Scott is one of the best leaders I've known over the course of my entire career. The environment that he fostered in his organization was one that enabled a lot of collaboration, and empowered individual contributors to think outside the box and find better solutions.